Thursday, August 28, 2008

Can atheists get insurance for acts of God? -

Wow - this question hasn't already been asked like a million times!! Acts of God is a term used by people that are not educated about insurance. It is NOT an insurance term. Next time you think you are being a smart *** do your research first! No one can! No, but they don't believe it. Dork. God isn't covered by insurance. That's something to think about... No one can. "Acts of God" isn't an insurance term. I've never seen a policy, ever, that referred to it. Someone asks this question every week. I think people think they're being clever, but really, it's SO OLD. by 'Acts of God', I assume you are referring to natural disasters , examples: flooding, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. Of Course They Can !!!! a person's spiritual belief or lack thereof does not ban them from purchasing property and casualty insurance. God is scratching his head right now, wondering why his children can't be more creative or use the search function on Y!A.

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