Thursday, August 28, 2008

Does the person that get saved have to pay any type of bills when they get saved by the coast guard? -

does the coast guard charge anyone? An example is the girl that was air lifted because her apendix burst out at see...will she be billed for the cost of the helicopter and crew, some costs related to operating the aircraft carier, and the expense of the doctors and surgical facilities on the air craft? how do they sort out those expenses? Yes. You can and usually will get billed for emergency rescue services - including airlifts, life flights, ambulance, search rescue, etc. The individual providers just type them up and mail them out! Not for a true emergency. However, if the person was negligent or disobeyed the rules which resulted in the need for rescue, you may get a bill. I know that some of the Search and Rescue teams in Colorado were sending bills to people who intentionally skied/hiked out of bounds and got lost. The small mountain town budgets just couldn't handle the massive amount each rescue cost. The aircraft carrier was at sea anyway, and rescue is part of the Navy and coast Guards job. This person had a burst appendix. That's what doctors do, "they save lives." People have to pay for "negligence." Like ice fishing on thin ice, when told not to, or call in a bogus S.O.S. as a prank. I sure hope not.. That would be so crazy. Your answer is NO. Tax dollars support and pay the services you mentioned above. If doctors and/or procedures were necessary at that time on-board a military ship or station there is no cost to the individual(s). Our military trains daily in the capacities of each job. If anything, these type of operations conducted by our military keep personnel "sharp" in the performance of their duties.

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