Thursday, August 28, 2008

Shipping questions? -

I am going to be sending a laptop to indiana from colorado and what happens if my computer is damaged through the shipping? I am going to buy the extra insurance for $2.15 per $100 that I would like insurance on. Thanks Just trying to check what happens/ With UPS...If the package is damaged they will pay for repair up to the amount insured plus shipping costs. But... you have to take responsibility of packaging it properly (factory pack) or pay the shipping company to package it. Most think they will receive the amount it is insured for, you actually only receive the amount for repair or replacement up to the insured amount and not over the value of the item. Like auto insurance, if you insure a 1995 Accord for 100,000 and total it. You don't get 100,000 you get a repair or replacement (value of the 1995 Accord) cost. Well... if your laptop is damaged the company you are shipping it with will write you a check for the amount you have it insured for, assuming they are infact the ones who damaged it. After you put it in a box you should take a couple pictures of what the box looks like. Is it UPS? UPS will not honor claims for electronics not shipped in their original packaging at least from Staples. Don't forget also that a rechargable battery is considered hazardous material and you are supposed to do extra paperwork for that So if you are going to do it, pack that baby like nobody's business. Make sure you follow UPS's packing guidelines to a T or they won't honor the claim, and just say you packed it like crap. If you try to make a claim, good luck. you MIGHT be able to get them to honor a claim but it will take lots of time and paperwork. don't forget you need proof of how much the computer is worth (i.e your receipt, etc) If you can get through all the red tape, bravo. you need to talk with the company that you are shipping with. some companies have a "capped" amount that they can cover as a carrier. i suggest packing the heck out of it. and putting labels across the seams so that you know that the box has not been tampered with when it gets to the end.

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