Thursday, August 28, 2008

What should I do about Short Term Disability? -

I am out on FMLA and have applied for the Short Term Disability provided by my employee. I sent all the needed information back to the insurance company. OK, so I called the insurance company back to get details regarding my claim and they mentioned that there was a discrepancy between the insurance company and my company. I sent an email to the HR person and she looked into it. She contacted me back and stated that the insurance company did not receive a sent payment and everything would be resolved by the following Tuesday. Lo and behold I called the Insurance Company today and they mentioned that the discrepancy was still there. Again, I sent an email to my company and have not heard back from them. At this point what are my rights? Since the employer is paying for this benefit and nothing is not taken out of my paycheck do I have any rights? If I return to work before this is resolved is the money still owed to me? Send the insurance company letter, certified mail, to guarantee delilvery and give them 10 days to respond. Company paid benefits are covered under ERISA and you can file complaint to US Dept of Labor. You will be reimbursed even after going back to work. Believe me when it comes to discrepancies, carriers take their time fixing them. Once the payment is rec'd, they wait until it clears, then it goes to someone else, finally they get it to the payables to post to the account, then it goes to data entry to reinstate that employees benefit...blah blah blah. I would keep contacting HR and hound them to continue to follow up with your claim. I'm sure they are not returning you call because it has not completed in the system. Be a little patient. Give it 10 business days before you take any action against the employer. You will be reimbursed by law.

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