Thursday, August 28, 2008

How much can u make selling life insurance? -

Well I offer life insurance to families. I have do so for about 4 years and been in the business full-time for about 4 months. It depends on you individual effort. You can make alot of money providing families with protection of the loss of income due to a lost of a loved one. $20,000 in 4 years on a part time basis. I have been lazy to be honest, should have been a whole lot more. My next 4 years will be much different. You should be interested in helping people, movaited, a people person, and coachable. clearly, there are people who do very well selling life insurance. and, my nephew tried it. He lacked people skills that the company couldn't teach and decided the answer was "not enough". There's no cap. Yep, it's possible to make millions, even your first year. It's not likely. Most people can't sell enough to pay their licensing fees, and wash out. But there's no cap. The amount is unlimited on what you can make. I suggest you become an independent agent not a captive agent. Your potential for making more money is much, much greater. And you can also build your own agency and have other agents work for you as well, thus multipying your income.

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