Thursday, August 28, 2008

Would you deal directly with an insurance adjuster if injured in a car accident or get a lawyer? -

I was a passenger and got a broken foot Why hire a lawyer - ie, give up 30%, if the adjuster is going to do it for you?? Try the adjuster first. Ask YOUR AGENT for advice second. The lawyer should be last resort. Do you want to give away 35% of your not as big as you think it will be settlement? If so get a lawyer. My advice...try to settle it yourself. If you are not successful consider an attorney at that point. Oh and by the way the 35% of the settlement includes 35% of the medical bills. So if you have a 10,000 settlement (with 5k in meds) - lawyer gets - 3500. You have to pay back 100% of the meds, leaving you only 1500. PS the amount was an example only and does not pertain to your claim value. Deal with the agent. If he or she is not doing their job, get a lawyer who will get about 40% of the settlement. Keep meticulous medical records, receipts, etc. Don't bother with a lawyer unless you are extremely concerned that you are not going to get your expenses covered. They do tend to make matters worse. The majority of them are in it for the money, of course. Keep accurate records of your medical expenses, and any other related expenses and handle it yourself with the adjuster, if possible. I wouldn't necessarily sign a final form relieving them of all further expense until your foot is healed and you find that it healed correctly. There is always the odd chance that it didn't set properly or something and you would be in for further expense. If all goes well, it should be fairly easy and straightforward.

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