Thursday, August 28, 2008

Can kids under 18 apply for any type of medical care? -

i really would like to, my parents cant afford that :( Derek... I don't have an answer to your question but I was wondering.... do you go to South County? In Virginia? Fairfax County??? Because there is a guy named Derek that looks exactly like you and yeah. Email me at if you are him. BTW... people at school say you're mean, but I think you're cute ^.^ Most states have some kind of childrens health insurance coverage available for children that are not covered, similar to Ohio's plan. In addition there are clinics and medicaid, depending on income levels, Check it out. depending on the state you live in.....depending what it is called in your state.. (like here in texas it is the c.h.i.p.s , child health insurance program)... but it is a state program designed just for kids that are under 18 and the family can't afford insurance... contact your state insurance department ... and click on your state to find out... Good Luck Derek..!! Not unless you're legally emancipated. If your parents can't afford health care for you, they should sign you up under your state children's health insurance plan. Their is program called Medicare for people who cant afford health insurance. Usually they have a special program just for kids 18 and under, and it may go by a different name. Just call you Medicare office [look up the info online] and tell then what situation you are in! You parents will have to sign you up, but it would likely that you would receive some coverage for free. I live in Missouri, and 1 in 3 children here are on Medicare. Your local Blue Cross Blue Shield offers, "child-only," policies.

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