Thursday, August 28, 2008

Life insurance license question? -

I was sponsored by a company when I took the insurance exam. Can I submit a license application without putting this company on the app? Will the state Insurance Commissioner find out? Like the other member said, the license is yours and you are not required to appoint with them. The sponsor however; can seek you to pay for the entire examination costs if they paid out of pocket to get you licensed. Keep in mind most jurisdictions require some type of appointment to obtain a license. You may want to reach out and get one in the pipeline because you wont be able to write any business until you have one. The license you are submitting for is your own, regardless of who (if anyone) schooled you. If you were to leave that employer, that license stays with you, not them. You can, but if your state requires the sponsor (most do, for a life license) they're just going to send it back to you and you won't get the license. Quote: Can I submit a license application without putting this company on the app? Yes, you can. Once you obtain the license, it remains with you irrespective of your employer. You may either choose to keep or omit the employer's name form your resume later on.

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