Thursday, August 28, 2008

Can a failed hard drive be covered under insurance? -

I have a hard drive that failed and when I called a recovery service they mentioned that renters insurance may be able to cover it. Is this possible? Is there any way that insurance would pay for a hard drive recovery when it just failed on its own? No, it would never be covered by Renters Insurance. Even if it was, the depreciated value of a used hardrive is probably worth a lot less than your deductible. Insurance never acts like a warranty, especially for electronics that just stop working. Normal use, probably not. The depreciated value will probably less than your deductible anyway. If you used it for business, did you buy business interruption coverage? No. Contents coverage is usually named peril. Fire, lighting, windstorm, hail etc. If lighting were to hit the computer and damage the hard drive - your policy would buy you a new hard drive. The policy does not cover replacement of the information on the hard drive or recovery of information on a hard drive. If your hard drive failed b/c of a virus, mechanical issue, wear/tear - that is not covered. Sure it's possible. Is it likely? No. But maybe you have a computer equipment endorsement attached to your renters policy?? If you paid extra for it, maybe, but "inherent vice and latent defect" ie, it just stopped working, aren't ever covered. Personally, I think this is just there way to take the focus off them, and try to sell you on the repair. No it is not. Wear and tear; mechanical breakdown; faulty material, design or workmanship are all excluded under any property policy.

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