Thursday, August 28, 2008

Which Insurance Companies Pay Their Claims Adjusters Best? -

I know there's lots of variations depending on where you live, experience etc, but generally speaking, which insurance companies pay their claims adjusters the best out of the ones listed below? - State Farm - Allstate - Liberty Mutual - Nationwide - Farmer's - Chubbs - Safe Auto - Progressive - Erie ...and any other of the big companies you can think of. Also, what fields that are more lucrative than claims adjusting, can a claims adjuster potentially parlay into, inside or outside of working for a big insurance company? Erie isn't a big company, IMO. But they're all about the same. Any independent claims adjuster who's established (read, who can get the work) makes more than a company one. Sales is the highest paying job, just like in any other industry - but it's commission based, not salary based. So if you don't sell, you don't eat. Great salespeople will ALWAYS make more money than just about any other position. AIA the cheapest one Chubb is number one in coustomer satisfaction if you quafily to buy a policy from them.

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