Thursday, August 28, 2008

Friend wrecked my car, will my insurance pay? -

If I loan my car to a friend, and he wrecks it, will insurance cover this? Good chance. Is your friend licensed? Did he have your permission to drive the car? Was he drunk or high? Was he committing a crime (like high speed chase with police)? What kind of coverage do you have? Only way to know for sure is file the claim. I wish my experience is helpful for you.Here is the good resource. Yes, unless he took the car without your permission, in which case it is a theft. They should still cover it, but they will charge him with theft. All things being equal, your insurance company will most likely subrogate against his insurance company. That means they will file a claim with his company. Best thing to do is have him file a claim directly with his company, and they reimburse you for the cost of repairs. If does not have insurance, your company will pay. Insurance follows the car, not the driver. You'll have to ask your agent, there are a whole bunch of questions we don't know the answers to, like: is your friend a listed operator? does your policy exclude all unlisted operators? does your friend have regular access to your car, or live in your house? do you have collision coverage? You really need to ask your agent.

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