Thursday, August 28, 2008

What is the general policy of when a card holder defaults the payment? -

If a person is unable to make the credit card payment and has resigned her job coz her husband expired, left the country without paying the bank, then how would the bank collect the debts from that person and in how many months time they should collect the amount? If they do not get her whereabouts, then how does the bank claim the debt? Does it claim from the insurance company or does the amount go in bad debts? After a gap of 2 or 3 years can the bank again start searching for the whereabouts of the person or no? and if the daughter or son is claimed as the nominee of the credit card, are they responsible for paying the mother's debts? Can the court issue orders to the children? The creditors would sell the debt to a collection agency which would try to get the debts paid. I haven't heard of childern being responsible for their parent's debts.

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