Thursday, August 28, 2008

Does anyone know how long points stay on your drivers license? -

and the % increase in insurance premiums? Points and its weight to your premiums will vary depending on jurisdiction and carrier. Some carriers will forgive points with a long term history some will not. Also, some jurisdictions will restrict increases based on points within certain scenerios. Best thing to do is shop your insurance when your points hit to ensure that you are in the right plan. It is a rule of thumb that some carriers are more flexible in points while most are not. It's usually 3 years but if you're applying for a driving job they'll ask for a 6 year report. Depends on where you live and how many you have. Tell us where you live or check with your local DMV depends on the state...In Tx, I believe it is three yrs from the date of the last ticket...Hope mine fall off soon... It depends on what state you're in. Usually, it's 3 - 7 full policy years, depending on state, after the offense. It's approximately 10% per point.

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