Thursday, August 28, 2008

My insurance co is denying the claim? -

My wife recently gave birth a baby girl. During the pregnancy she had gestational diabetes. her doctor refered her to have extra care to some diabetic management co. I called up my insurance and the operator on the other end said we are covered. Now I got a bill of $1552 which says It was not covered. How do I make sure I can get the coverage ? You're going to have to appeal the denial, based on whatever reason they say it's not covered. And include supporting evidence with the appeal. I'd venture that someone in claims is misreading the claim submitted, and thinks that your wife's diabetes is somehow a pre-existing condition and is not covered. That should NOT be the case with gestational diabetes. Either re-submit your claim, or speak to someone in charge in claims, or both. Resubmit the bill. You may have to submit it a few times. Notify the diabetic management and the OB/GYN office. Both should have their own billing people and need to talk to each other. I believe that kind of coverage is standard. As an insurance broker, I have only one piece of advice. Get a lawyer.

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