Thursday, August 28, 2008

Health insurance question? -

For my OB/GYN, are they a specialist or pcp. When I go to pay, Do I pay the specialist copay or pcp co-pay? They're a specialist. However, many health insurance plans will count them as a PCP visit. You'll have to check with YOUR health plan to see how it works with YOUR PLAN. All plans are different, but my plan doesn't charge any copay for your annual visit. If anything it would probably be a specialist. Check into the Well Woman exam coverage in your plan. You could try to google it ,here is some direct resource might be helpful. Most health plans are different. I would think you would pay the specialist copay. You will need to decide that with your insurance. If your OB is your PCP then you have the PCP co-pay. If you have a family doc that is your PCP then you will need to pay the specialist co-pay. Some insurances cover it as a PCP for the fetus. Call the billing department at the OB and ask them to verify your insurance prior to your arrival so that you will know what to expect. Good luck and congrats. It depends on what your insurance company classifies it as. You'll need to contact your plan for a definite answer. I know some plans will have a pcp office visit copay for your yearly and specialist copay if you go to the ob/gyn for anything other than routine checkups.

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