Thursday, August 28, 2008

Medical Massage? -

Do any of you accept medical insurance for your massages? How does one go about being able to do that? where is the starting point? Do you think it increases your clientele base by being able to accept medical insurance? I want to be able to do this for clients, but I have no idea how to get started. I recommend contacting The Medical Massage Office Associates and purchasing their book: "The Medical Massage Office Manual For Insurance Billing 4th Edition; Now being updated to include Form CMS 1500 and NPI information....More Info Than Ever!" "The Insurance Billing Bible, filled with facts, not opinions. " I completed their certification training two years ago and appreciated the full package approach of learning how to offer appropriate techniques, how to work with medical professionals, how to understand coding for prescriptions and billing, and how to play the insurance game. I began billing for insurance six years ago because of the income potential. It has significantly increased my income. I feel more involved as a healthcare provider and I have been able to gain the respect of several physicians because of it. It takes a lot of work and dedication, but it becomes worth it, depending on how well you develop your practice. Your first one or two medical insurance patients could possibly pay for your entire TMMO training and certification. I would pursue this earlier than later if you have a true interest. I don't do it, but I get them. What my therapist does, is, once I have a prescription for the massage, he will give me a print out of the times, and dates, and costs, and findings, and I submit it to my insurance. I think it makes more sense to do this. There are some in town that accept insurance, but most of them find it simply to much paper work to do, and still insure proper pt care. So, .I pay my bill, then send off the list, and get a little bit back from the insurance company. We also have allot of doctors offices doing that. i suggest you get involved with the american medical massage therapy association. they offer full training and certification nationwide, software, support, medical massage liability insurance. Many friensd I met ona site called pubspa have he same opinion with me. They are massage enthusiasts. I met these friends on the site because we have the same interest - masage. We usually talk together. Besides, we share blogs, videos, music and games.

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