Thursday, August 28, 2008

Want to be an car insurance agent? -

I am from WA state and I want to get car insurance agent license because I want to work on a insurance related school project. If you don't plan on selling insurance, you don't need a license. Period. Also, a good resource is... Best of luck to you. One question that must be asked: Why would you need to get an insurance license to work on an insurance related school project? It takes a lot of time and study to get ready to take the test, and it costs quite a bit to go through an approved class(es). (Time: At least 30-45 hours...) If you want to work in the industry, that's a whole other ball game. Check with your state's requirements and research for schools. Prosource has a good program... OK, go to the state insurance department website, and find out what you need to do to take the test. You have to be at least 18, you have to pay a fee, and pass a test.

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