Thursday, August 28, 2008

Supplemental Health Insurance for Truckers? -

I am looking for a health plan specifically for Truck Drivers. Does such a thing exist? YES and it is JUST what you need and none of the 'fluff' you don't need! It's called the Truckers Occupational Accident Insurance Program by AIG. Pays for Accidental Death, Disability, accident medical expenses, paralysis, even hemorrhoid and hernia coverage! (Hey, when you sit all day and night, stuff happens!) It is a GREAT plan and very cheap. Call 800-647-4589 and ask to speak to an agent. No long haul/short haul nonsense. This is a plan specifically for truckers. It is not easy to answer your question in one words,you would better find it out here yourself. Likely not. But there will be a RATING FACTOR applied, just for truckers - long haul and short haul will have different rates. Talk to a local, independent agent to get quotes.

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