Thursday, August 28, 2008

Which Policy is Better? HDFC Unit Linked Endowment OR LIC's Profit Plus? -

Both are not as both are ULIP. I dont like ULIP due to charges. Most of the people realise negetives of ULIP only after they opt for it. If you want investment, go for Mutual Fund. If you want insurance , go for term insurance. Mixing insurance investment is a loss for you profit for insurance agent The only way to go for ULIP is to take Single premium retirement plan(with minimum allowed premium) that allow unlimited topup. Also LIC is not a good fund manager . Persons like pnkmurthy are just LIC agents on this site just want sell of ULIPs. Please visit the following link to find the benefits for LIC's profit plus and compare with any other ULIPs and decide yourself. If you decide to take LIC's Profit Plus, you can seek my service good luck Hi As per current issue of Outlook Money ( insurance spl ), Metlife's ULIP is no. 1 in this category. Check it out i think LIC's Profit Plus is better than any other policy. lic HDFC Because any private company is government of board of directors to make the company run in profit, where as LIC is owned by government, and hence nobody is responsible for making profit or loss, and usually its headed by a minister who could be an thumb impression minister, now u think which will give u more profit and stability if you are comparing between two then lic's profit plus is definitely better Due to falling interest rates-if it is more beneficial to policy holder-it would be abruptly wound-up instantly. Remember UTI's CGGF Rajalakshmi schemes. Be cautious.

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